Selling Tufting Rugs at Trade Show Lessons...

Selling Tufting Rugs at Trade Show Lessons...

Trade Show Lessons

Saturday we had an amazing time where we got to to participate in trade show and there are some things when you as vendors are setting up for trade we wanted to share with you Week one lessons we learned. 

Tufting Society  I would like to share my  experiences at  Lake Dallas Trade Days and Farmers trade show and farmers market.  where I've had the opportunity to showcase my craft and connect with potential customers. This trade shows have taught me some  lessons that have shaped the way my team and I approach our presentations of our craft and business . Today I am going to share some links with you and also things you need to have a successful trade show experience.   I promise if you already prepare your going to have a great experience. Also gain commission. 

  1. Presentation: Timing is Everything

One of the most important lessons we learned is the significance of punctuality. When participating in a trade show, it is crucial to ensure that your presentation runs on time. Trade shows are bustling events, and attendees have packed schedules. If you are late or unprepared, you risk losing potential customers who may move on to the next booth.

To stay on schedule, we found it helpful to create a checklist of essential items for our presentation. We bring along a tent to provide a designated space for our display. Additionally, we set up two 6-foot tables to showcase our tufting products and samples. These tables not only serve as a platform for our creations but also offer a surface for interactive demonstrations, encouraging visitors to engage with our work.

Where to purchase 6 ft tables 

We have the 6 ft cost co tables which we got from Walmart for 49.99 

now consider the wind you want to use the stretch table covers which you can get here. We found that with


  1. Visual Appeal: Make an Impact bring your gun and your frame 

At trade shows, it's essential to capture attendees' attention amidst the sea of booths and exhibits. Visual appeal plays a vital role in drawing potential customers to your display. To create an eye-catching booth, we utilize various visual elements.

We display our best work, carefully selecting pieces that exemplify our craftsmanship and highlight the uniqueness of our tufting techniques. The use of vibrant colors and intricate designs helps to make our booth stand out. We also incorporate visual aids, such as large posters or digital screens, to showcase our process and demonstrate the artistry behind our products.

This Saturday we will bring out the Tufting Gun and the frame and you can come join us this week as well. 

Also you are going to need a tent here  where I purchase mine  turst me you want to have these and also some stakes go go into the ground to keep the test in place especially on a rainy day.

  1. Special Pricing: Attracting Trade Show Attendees

Trade shows offer a fantastic opportunity to reach a wide audience, including potential buyers who are specifically looking for great deals. To make the most of this opportunity, we provide special pricing exclusively for trade show attendees.

By making sure that you provide trade show pricing is going to increase you sales. This is how we are able to grab the attention of visitors who are eager to explore unique offers. Offering discounts or bundling products together at a reduced price can entice potential customers to make a purchase. It also provides an incentive for them to choose our products over competitors' remember never to underprice your self and always present your product as a value.

One thing that I did not do was have a pricing list. However I did have the QR code. So I will be sure to create a pricing list for special pricing. where they can sign up and pay. 

  1. Convenient Payment Options: Closing the Deal

In the fast-paced environment of a trade show, it is crucial to offer convenient payment options to facilitate sales. To cater to various preferences, we have learned to diversify our payment methods.

We accept both cash and credit cards, ensuring that customers have a choice in how they wish to complete their purchase. Utilizing mobile payment solutions such as Cash or Credit, Sezzle,Shop Pay, After Pay such as digital wallets, you to want to make it so easy for you new clients  finalize their purchases on the spot. Please remember that ON THE SPOT consider getting a mobile terminal its a great investment. 


Participating in trade shows has provided my team and me with valuable lessons that have transformed our approach to presentations. By emphasizing punctuality, maximizing visual appeal, offering special pricing, and providing convenient payment options, we have enhanced our chances of attracting and engaging potential customers at these events.

Remember, trade shows are not just about displaying your products; they are about creating an immersive experience for attendees. By incorporating these lessons into your trade show strategy, you can effectively showcase your craft and build lasting relationships with customers, ensuring success in this competitive arena of tufting artistry.




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